信頼性のマネジメント Reliability Management

ISO/IEC 17025













信頼の3つの情報源 Three sources of Reliability

According to Nicholas Humphrey, there are three sources of information we use to make trust decisions. (1) “Personal experience” (2) “Reasonable reasoning” (3) “External authority”. The personal experience is first person because of the context. I trust, but others are not always the same. If many people experience the same thing, it will become “something” and become universal. Facts, logic and transparency are the keys to rational reasoning. Corporate governance requires both transparency and accountability. Accountability is one-way from the organization, so that alone is not convincing. If transparency is sufficient for rational reasoning, it is not. On the contrary, it may be that “I’m doing that”, “I want to see, I don’t want to know that”. Trust has two aspects: “intention” and “ability.” The intention is something like “We want to do this way of thinking.” This is also necessary because it is whether or not you can sympathize with it, and it shows the attitude that brings about results. However, when it comes to rational reasoning, it is necessary to show “ability.” It guarantees the brand promise. External authority is what any institution proves to be “no doubt”. Now that we are in the age of cloud knowledge, if many people say “no doubt”, it is an issue whether this can be said to be an external authority. Now, the external authority is fading. It is not our responsibility. It is unreliable because it has been systematically and continuously cheating and concealing itself. It seems that the number of reliable institutions and organizations that are not inward-looking is decreasing. When that happens, I want to believe in cloud knowledge. AI is a typical example. Will rational reasoning, or much of what you can trust, rely on AI?


(1)「個人的な体験」 (2)「合理的な推論」 (3)「外部の権威」である。



透明性があれば合理的推論に足るかといえば、そうでもない。逆に“そんなことやっているの” “見たい、知りたいのはそこじゃない” ということにもなりかねない。





外部の権威というのは、どこどこの機関が “間違いない” と証明してくれるものだ。今は、クラウド知の時代でもあるので、多くの人が “間違いない” と声をあげれば、これも外部の権威といってよいかどうかは課題だ。



優秀さより真摯さ Seriousness rather than excellence

I gave a lecture on reliability accumulation theory. Data fraud continues to be a hot topic in the world. Why do we systematically do things that undermine the credibility that underlies our business? It is a co-dependent emotion. In the organization to which I belong, I do not want to be left out, so I am convinced and obey. A person is the animal that tells the most subtle lies to himself. At the nine levels of identity, it is the third relationship. “Because of the strong co-dependent emotions, I am willing to do anything to get the feeling of being part of a team.” “Because I prioritize affiliation, I sacrifice truth and creativity.” “Loyalty to groups such as colleagues. However, it outweighs the loyalty to the organization. ”This is the result of prioritizing one’s own interests over society. According to social psychologist E.P. Hollander, there are five steps to gaining trust from followers in the legitimacy of leadership. Conformity, competence, accumulation of trust, expectations for change and true credibility. To gain true trust is to make a difference. It can be said that it is a shambles. It is to autonomously change the inside to respond to changes in the external environment. Drucker stated in “Earning Trust is a must” in his leadership: It is a belief in integrity. A leader’s action and a leader’s professed beliefs must be congruent, or at least compatible. Effective leadership – and again this is very old wisdom – is not based on being clever; it is based primarily on being consistent. Is Integrity translated as sincerity? Confidence in sincerity. He also states that: “We value sincerity, not cleverness.-A person who lacks this sincere qualities is dangerous to the organization, no matter how lovable, well-helped, friendly, competent and smart. It is ineligible as a boss and a gentleman. “(From” Philosophy of Work “) The person involved in Japanese authority is not a gentleman, but prioritizes only the interests of himself and the group to which he belongs. It will be shown to the world. Of course, not all are. The boss who tolerates injustice may not have experienced a true shrine. He will take risks himself and will not take on challenges. What is needed for education in Japan today is identity. Seriousness rather than excellence.







ドラッカーはリーダーシップの中の“Earning Trust is a must”で次のように述べている。

It is a belief in integrity. A leader’s action and a leader’s professed beliefs must be congruent, or at least compatible. Effective leadership – and again this is very old wisdom – is not based on being clever; it is based primarily on being consistent.


また、次のようなことも述べている。“頭の良さではなく、真摯さを大切にする。~この真摯さなる資質に欠ける者は、いかに人好きで、人助けがうまく、人づきあいがよく、有能で頭が良くとも、組織にとって危険であり、上司及び紳士として不適格である。”(「仕事の哲学」より)  日本の権威に関わる者は紳士ではなく、自己及び所属する集団の利益のみを第一優先しているということを世に示していることになる。勿論、全てがそうだとは言わない。


イノベーションには倫理が必要 Innovation requires ethics

We cannot overemphasize how important ethics is in leadership. If ethically wrong acts are left unpunished, they eventually become the company’s standard operating procedures and culture. In today’s highly competitive era, it’s not easy to keep going. If top executives of a company or organization ignore the ethical aspects of judgment, strategy and business models, they are exposed to significant and unnecessary risks. Respecting ethics is a leader’s basic responsibility. (From Frog Design CEO Hartmut Esslinger’s book A Fine Line: How Design Strategies Are Shaping the Future of Business, which designed the Apple logo)






(アップルのロゴをデザインしたFrog Design社 CEO Hartmut Esslinger の著書 A Fine Line: How Design Strategies Are Shaping the Future of Business  より)

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