信頼性のマネジメント Reliability Management

信頼の3つの情報源 Three sources of Reliability

According to Nicholas Humphrey, there are three sources of information we use to make trust decisions. (1) “Personal experience” (2) “Reasonable reasoning” (3) “External authority”. The personal experience is first person because of the context. I trust, but others are not always the same. If many people experience the same thing, it will become “something” and become universal. Facts, logic and transparency are the keys to rational reasoning. Corporate governance requires both transparency and accountability. Accountability is one-way from the organization, so that alone is not convincing. If transparency is sufficient for rational reasoning, it is not. On the contrary, it may be that “I’m doing that”, “I want to see, I don’t want to know that”. Trust has two aspects: “intention” and “ability.” The intention is something like “We want to do this way of thinking.” This is also necessary because it is whether or not you can sympathize with it, and it shows the attitude that brings about results. However, when it comes to rational reasoning, it is necessary to show “ability.” It guarantees the brand promise. External authority is what any institution proves to be “no doubt”. Now that we are in the age of cloud knowledge, if many people say “no doubt”, it is an issue whether this can be said to be an external authority. Now, the external authority is fading. It is not our responsibility. It is unreliable because it has been systematically and continuously cheating and concealing itself. It seems that the number of reliable institutions and organizations that are not inward-looking is decreasing. When that happens, I want to believe in cloud knowledge. AI is a typical example. Will rational reasoning, or much of what you can trust, rely on AI?


(1)「個人的な体験」 (2)「合理的な推論」 (3)「外部の権威」である。



透明性があれば合理的推論に足るかといえば、そうでもない。逆に“そんなことやっているの” “見たい、知りたいのはそこじゃない” ということにもなりかねない。





外部の権威というのは、どこどこの機関が “間違いない” と証明してくれるものだ。今は、クラウド知の時代でもあるので、多くの人が “間違いない” と声をあげれば、これも外部の権威といってよいかどうかは課題だ。



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Call Stack
10.0001221768{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0002224360require( '/home/users/2/kahale/web/mitl.jp/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php' ).../index.php:17
30.391347033880require_once( '/home/users/2/kahale/web/mitl.jp/wordpress/wp-includes/template-loader.php' ).../wp-blog-header.php:19
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50.410347200456get_footer( ).../single.php:61
60.410347201272locate_template( ).../general-template.php:92
70.410347201416load_template( ).../template.php:716
80.410447216328require_once( '/home/users/2/kahale/web/mitl.jp/wordpress/wp-content/themes/MITL/footer.php' ).../template.php:770
90.410847217960wp_footer( ).../footer.php:29
100.410847218040do_action( ).../general-template.php:3058
110.410847218632WP_Hook->do_action( ).../plugin.php:474
120.410847218728WP_Hook->apply_filters( ).../class-wp-hook.php:331
130.411047220456call_user_func_array:{/home/users/2/kahale/web/mitl.jp/wordpress/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:307} ( ).../class-wp-hook.php:307
140.411047221160wp_maybe_inline_styles( ).../class-wp-hook.php:307