実験する文化 Culture to experiment
I developed the Entrepreneur Resources Program in 1999. It was a project in collaboration with a certain incorporated association. This is because the entrepreneurship rate was higher than the entrepreneurship rate as a problem consciousness at that time. I think that a good society is one with many opportunities. It was developed while conducting research on innovation human resources development by going to Croton Building and leading European companies. It is a program in which selected human resources from each company gather to create a new business plan. While holding the 1st term (annual program), the 2nd term, and the 3rd term, this was a training program and did not actually start a business. Feelings are things that pass each other. It was just like a boot camp, such as actually going out and making a concrete business plan such as conducting a field survey, conducting a financial simulation until the day before the presentation, and having investors give points on that day. After the recital, everyone returns to their company and does their usual work, just like after the festival. I quit the general coordinator in the 6th term. E.H. Shine separates external mission-oriented and internal mission group-oriented leadership. If you dare to say it, you can call it Creation and Management (PDCA). It is said that these two are achieved by different leaders, and subordinates also recognize (classify) that there are two types of leaders. Leader and warrior, founder and staff. Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita, Soichiro Honda and Takeo Fujisawa. Historically, Oda Nobunaga was Takugen Soon, Hideyoshi was Yakuin Zensou, and Takeda Shingen was Kansuke Yamamoto. The other day, I had an opportunity to hear the stories of four venture business owners. What all four had in common was that close friends and family started a business, and starting a business was normal. I also started a business in New York. The atmosphere was different on the west and east coasts, but entrepreneurship was normal, lifestyle-like, and cultural-like. The people who gathered in the first entrepreneurial human resources program may have been a staff type, not an entrepreneur type. Companies want good people, but goodness and creativity are different. The former may produce reason and order, while the latter is destruction and creation. Most people can’t do what they haven’t done even if they understand it. It may be a simulated experience. That’s why experimentation is important. No matter how much I read or think about it, I don’t understand it. I may not be able to tell you. It is a spirit that can only be learned by oneself.
E.H.シャインは外的任務指向と内的任務集団指向のリーダーシップを分けている。敢えていうなら創造と管理(PDCA)といえる。この2つは異なったリーダーによって達成されるとしており、部下もリーダーには2種類いると認識(区分)している。指導者と軍師、創業者と参謀。井深大と盛田昭夫、本田宗一郎と藤澤武夫。歴史的には、織田信長に沢彦宗恩(たくげん そうおん)、秀吉には施薬院全宗、武田信玄には山本勘助といった具合だ。