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【信頼性のマネジメント】Reliability Management

“Reliability” is one of the moderators (coordinating factors) that move the world. “Will the pension be returned just by multiplying it?” “Data fraud of listed companies, fraudulent financing of financial institutions, fraudulent employment of persons with disabilities in government offices” Everyone thought that such an event would continue in the future. There is.
Lack of trust in society and norms leads people to seek trust in others. Cryptocurrency and charisma seem to be one of them. Eventually, a virtual nation will appear on the web. Because the world of the web may be more open, democratic and self-fulfilling.
In this world, we ask what kind of strategy is required for companies and organizations.

世界的を動かすモデレータ(調整要因)の一つが「信頼性」です。“年金は掛けた分だけでも戻ってくるのだろうか” “上場企業のデータ不正、金融機関の不正融資、官公庁の障害者雇用不正” こうした事象は今後も続くのではないかと誰もが思っている。



リスク・マネジメントはISO 31000で規格化されている。日本では危機管理とセットで議論されることが多い。危機管理はリスクが発生した後の対処であり、リスク・マネジメントはリスクが発生する前の予防をいう。



Risk management is standardized in ISO 31000.  It is often discussed as a set with crisis management. Crisis management refers to the response after a risk occurs, and risk management refers to the prevention of a risk before it occurs.

There is no such thing as a risk-free management of a company or organization. As the risk chain demonstrates, the impact of risk is not necessarily short-term, but long-term, with inevitable consequences. It’s a butterfly effect.

It is necessary to understand and analyze risk management systematically and, if possible, quantitatively.









Human Resource Management

There are six concepts of capital. (1) Financial capital, (2) manufacturing capital, (3) intellectual capital, (4) human capital, (5) social and relational capital, and (6) natural capital.

This is a recommendation of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), a global non-profit organization established in the United Kingdom in July 2010. Companies have been focusing on financial information in the past, but from now on, non-financial information (such as the environment) will be important.

Since it is capital, it must be formed as an effective asset. In addition, there are many indications of long-term outcomes rather than short-term outcomes, such as human capital. Because the age of VUCA is uncertain, a long-term vision is required.

In terms of human capital, the globalization of the human resources market is progressing. Not only financial capital, but also intellectual capital, social capital, and human resources are positioned in the global market.

This human capital is not enough to recruit excellent employees. There is a need for systems and operations that nurture excellent employees, and systems and operations that encourage innovative human resources to participate.

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